Diablo 4 Find Town of Yngovani Location
Once you have completed the “Tainted Flesh” Main Quest in Diablo 4, you will get the next MQ in Act V – Wrack and Ruin. This quest consists of several objectives that you have to do before you can complete it and move on. The first objective here is to find the Town of Yngovani. As the game doesn’t give you the exact spot where it is, but only a general area of where to look for it, this is proving to be a problem for many players. If you can’t find the location of the Town of Yngovani in Diablo 4, we are here to assist you in going where you need to go in order to discover it.

Where to Find Town of Yngovani Diablo 4
The quest is going to mark a very large area on your map. The Town of Yngovani can be anywhere in this general game space. To make matters worse, the description of the quest merely states that you need to: “Find the Town of Yngovani.” Definitely not a whole lot to go on. So to help you so that you don’t have to aimlessly wander around looking for where it is, we have marked the exact spot where it can be found in our screenshot gallery below. Refer to it to see the location where you need to go.
Once you get to this spot, you will see a notification that is going to let you know that you are now in Yngovani. The quest will change, and your next objective will be to find the temple in Yngovani. Luckily, it is very close by. However, there is a giant stone snake door preventing you from going inside. What you need to do next is to find the two missing eyes from this statue. Since this quest can easily get bugged, we recommend that you read our Find the Left Eye guide to see how you can avoid this.