TOTK Dandelion Puzzle (Zelda Tears of the Kingdom)
If you are unsure what to do with Dandelions in Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll be surprised to learn that many players didn’t know what to do with them. You are definitely not the only one! Read on as we explain the Zelda TOTK Korok Dandelion Puzzle and how to catch them!

What to do with Dandelions in Tears of the Kingdom, Zelda TOTK Korok Dandelion Puzzle Solution
During your adventures across Hyrule in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you will stumble upon various mysteries and puzzles. Some will be simple, some will require a bit of thinking, while others may completely confuse you, despite being simple. One such mystery is the Dandelion Puzzle in Zelda TOTK.
These fluffy plants are rather huge, with five big leaves spreading in the circle on the ground, and a massive Dandelion-like flower rising in the middle. Unlike other plants, you can not simply collect them and put them in your inventory. But there has to be something with them, right? So, what is the solution for the Dandelion Puzzle in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom?
If you hit the flower with your melee weapon, it will suddenly propel into the air, and then slowly fall back to the ground. And when it touches the ground, it will disappear and respawn back to its starting position, where the leaves are. Therefore, what do you need to do? The solution is really simple. When you hit a Dandelion, you will need to grab the flying part by pressing “A” before it hits the ground. If you manage to do it, a Korok will appear, saying: “Ya-ha-ha! You found me!” And you will be rewarded with a Korok Seed for your trouble! With that said, our “Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Dandelion Puzzle” is completed.