Locate the Cartel in Al Mazrah in DMZ Cartel Investigation
If just can’t seem to locate the cartel in Al Mazrah in the DMZ Cartel Investigation tier-one missions, don’t worry, you’re far from the only one. The game doesn’t tell you where the cartel is; you don’t get a map marker or a clue or anything. You kinda just have to blunder across the map until you bump into the cartel. To avoid the aggravation, let’s find out where the Al Mazrah cartel actually is, shall we?

Locate the Cartel in Al Mazrah in DMZ Cartel Investigation
To locate the cartel in Al Mazrah in the DMZ Cartel Investigation quest in Call of Duty Warzone 2, you need to go to the area in the south of Hafid Port. If you are not sure where to look, take a gander at the screenshots below. That’s where you have to go. I’d exercise caution if I were you, because there are going to be tons of other players looking for the same thing. That means there will also be griefers looking to score some cheap kills. Once you get there, you should also eliminate at least five cartel soldiers and look for the large contraband packages to complete all three tier-one missions in one fell swoop. If at all possible, of course.
So, there you go, that is where you locate the DMZ cartel in Al Mazrah to complete the Cartel Investigation tier-one missions in Call of Duty Warzone 2. We don’t know whether the cartel is going to move around with future updates, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated either way. If you are having problems with something else in the new DMZ content, feel free to check out some of our other guides. We’ve written articles like Secure Supplies Contract, DMZ Well Supplied Soldier Mission, Dealmaker, Store Golden Skull, Electric Drill, Gas Can in Backpack and Attach a Suppressor onto a Weapon at a Workbench. We have more coming down the pipeline, so stay tuned!