Attach a Suppressor onto a Weapon at a Workbench, DMZ Upgraded Arsenal

In our Attach a Suppressor onto a Weapon at a Workbench, DMZ Upgraded Arsenal guide, we are going to show you how to complete this mission or task or whatever you want to call it. It’s pretty simple, as it aims to familiarize you with the new mechanic. However, the game doesn’t tell you where the workbenches are, which is quite the problem. Here’s how it all works.

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attach a suppressor onto a weapon at a workbench dmz upgraded arsenal
Attach a Suppressor onto a Weapon at a Workbench, DMZ Upgraded Arsenal

How to Attach a Suppressor onto a Weapon at a Workbench in DMZ Upgraded Arsenal

To attach a suppressor onto a weapon at a workbench and complete one of the DMZ Upgraded Arsenal tasks, you first need to gather about three thousand dollars. Then, go to whatever is the buy station closest to you. Most buy stations have a workbench somewhere in their vicinity. So, explore around the station until you finally spot the workbench. If you don’t now what they look like, take a look at the screenshot below. It looks like a black, well, workstation with drawers and a weird cube-thing on one side. Interact with it and, in the new menu, select Muzzles. From there, buy any suppressor and it will be equipped automatically. You’re good to go from there.

how to attach a suppressor onto a weapon at a workbench in dmz upgraded arsenal
DMZ workstation

And there you have it, that’s how you attach a suppressor into a weapon at a workbench for the DMZ Upgraded Arsenal task. Really, it’s a fairly simple quest just to introduce you to the new concept. There were no workbenches in DMZ before, so it bears learning about them, which this mission should be perfect for. Realistically, the only possible major problem is locating one of them, but as we’ve said, just look around any buy station you come across. Also, be sure you have enough money to purchase the suppressor. If your funds are under three thousand bucks, at least you’ll have a buy station nearby to sell some of your stuff.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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