Not Too Bad NYT Crossword Solution
“Not Too Bad” is the latest NYT crossword puzzle published on April 5, 2023. Solving crossword puzzles can be considered as a form of mental exercise while acquiring new knowledge daily and enhancing your mental agility. The New York Times releases daily crossword puzzles, and if you encounter difficulties with a particular clue our guide will help you obtain the correct solution.

Not Too Bad New York Times Crossword Solution
The NYT Crosswords can be difficult and demanding, and most people think that they don’t have a big enough vocabulary for these puzzles. Our advice is to start with Monday New York Times Crosswords, because they are the easiest ones. As time goes on, you’ll become more confident in solving harder puzzles. However, if you are unable to find the correct response to the “Not too bad” crossword clue in today’s NYT Mini, you can verify the answer below.
Our first ideas for Not Too Bad crossword were good, fair, decent, average but the correct answer is SOLID. So, as you can see, the correct answer was a little difficult even for us who solve these puzzles on a daily basis. And if you have already found the solution to this puzzle by yourself, congratulations because it is not one of the simplest puzzles.