Diablo 4 Missing Pieces Bug Solutions
If you need the Diablo 4 Missing Pieces bug solutions, trust me, you’re not the only one. This simple and short fetch quest has a glitch that completely messes the whole thing up. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can try to work around it. Here’s what you need to do.

Diablo 4 Missing Pieces Quest Potential Solutions
There are a couple of potential solutions for the Missing Pieces quest bug in Diablo 4. One is to enter your Journal and manually select the next quest. That seems to work for some people. Also, try the Reset Dungeons button, too. Another workaround, which does require some legwork, is to get the game on a different platform. Link the accounts and complete the quest there, then go back to your primary platform. Obviously, I know this is not within the means of a lot of people, but hey, if you can do it that way, it should solve your problem. Last, and most annoying, is to exit the game and wait the queue out again. The game might do that to you anyway, because it likes to crash when you hand over the items to Lorath.
And there you have it, those are the potential solutions for the Missing Pieces quest bug in Diablo 4. At least, those fixes that we are aware of. It’s a huge bummer of a glitch, because the quest itself takes under two minutes to complete. You just go to Ozren, purchase the weapon and take the medallion, then hand these items back to Lorath. It’s so frustrating. If you have any other fixes that you know of, tell us all about them in the comments below. And if there’s something else causing you headaches, head over to one of our other Diablo 4 guides, like UI Not Loading, HUD Elements Missing Bug and Give Thanks at the Shrine, Traveler’s Prayer.