Adopt Me Gorilla Update, Albino, Karate, Chef & Astronaut
Another Adopt Me update is on the way! This time, the update is all about gorillas, and is – very appropriately – titled the Gorilla update. When the Adopt Me Gorilla Update releases, you will be able to get several new kinds of Gorilla pets, including the Albino, Karate, Chef, and Astronaut Gorillas. If you are interested in learning when this update is going to release, as well as how to get all of these new pets – read on, we have all of that info right here.

How to Get Albino, Karate, Chef & Astronaut Gorilla in Adopt Me
You will be able to get these Gorilla pets during the Gorilla Fairground event in Adopt Me. This event is scheduled to start this Thursday, March 16th, 2023, at 4 PM GMT+1. You can see when it is going to start in your region of the world by going to this countdown link. The event is then intended to end the following week on Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023.
As for the Gorillas themselves, you will get them from Gorilla Boxes. These are special boxes that are available during this event. When you open a Gorilla Box, you can get a Gorilla from it, as well as two other items. These items can be things such as toys, vehicles, and, most importantly – ingredients. You can then use these ingredients to turn your Gorilla into a special type of Gorilla. Note that these ingredients are restricted to the event and that you need to use them before it ends. They won’t be usable afterward.
For the Chef Gorilla, you need x3 Rolling Pins. The Astronaut Gorilla – x3 Gold Stars, the Karate Gorilla – x3 Sai. The last two Gorilla pets are the Emperor Gorilla and the Albino Gorilla. For the Emperor, you need x3 Golden Goblets, which you can only get from the Premium Gorilla Box. As for the Albino Gorilla, you also get it from the Premium Gorilla Box, with a 10% chance spawn rate.