PlayStation Error WS-38481-4 Fix
The PlayStation Error WS-38481-4 is one of the more common errors that you can get on this console. This connectivity error prevents you from when you want to sign into the PlayStation network, since an error has occurred. Because of this, the PS4 Error WS-38481-4 prevents you from connecting to and playing your favorite games. But what causes the PlayStation Error WS-38481-4, and is there any way to fix it? We’re going to see the answers to both of these questions right here.

How to Fix PLaystation Error WS-38481-4
The first thing that you should always do when you get this error is to visit this link. Here, you can check and see the status of the PSN servers. If they are down, then there really isn’t anything you can do on your end. The only solution is to be patient and wait until they are back up so that you can continue playing. On the other hand, if everything appears to be working as intended and all their services are in the green, then there are several methods you can try to fix this Error has occurred PS4 sign in issue. Let’s go over all of them.
Start by restarting your PS device. This is a good first step, since oftentimes it results in fixing errors such as this. It’s also a good idea to do this if you are having persistent problems with bugs in any game that you are playing. If that hasn’t worked, then the next thing to try out is to restart your internet router. Turn it off, wait for about half a minute or so, and then turn it back on. And if none of these methods work, the only thing left is to contact PlayStation support for further assistance with your problem.