DMZ Waterlogged Bag Key Location
In our DMZ Waterlogged Bag Key Location guide, we are going to show you where to find the Waterlogged Bag itself, as well as how to get the key. The container is in a set location, as far as we can tell, but the key is more complicated to figure out. So, let’s dive straight in!

Where to Find Waterlogged Bag in DMZ
Before you find the DMZ Waterlogged Bag, you need to know the location of the key. Unfortunately, the item seems to be a random drop. You can find it in loot containers or get it as a reward from HVT contracts, as a drop from AI enemies, and other places. If you have managed to find a consistent source of this particular key, let us know in the comments. As far as we know, though, there is no way to tell for certain where the key is going to appear. I hope that the gods of RNG are on your side if you’re dead set on opening this particular loot bag. If you do manage to get the key, then it’s time to beeline for the bag itself.
Now that we know what there is to know about the Waterlogged Bag Key in DMZ, time to show you where to find the location of the bag itself. It is in a pool in the hotel stronghold in the north of the map. It’s to the east of Oganikku Farms. We are going to show you exactly where to find it in the screenshots below. If you manage to fight your way to the stronghold, hop into the pool. It is near the tennis court. Open the bag using the key, collect your rewards, and continue on your way. Since the Ashika map is much smaller than Al Mazrah, be wary of other players and AI enemies at all times, of course.