Windrise Red Adventurer Tent Location Genshin Impact
The Windrise Red Adventurer Tent Location Genshin Impact Fecund Hamper is the sixth Afterparty Fecund Hamper that you can find. The full clue is as follows: “The present is near Windrise, inside a red adventurer’s tent.” That is remarkably unhelpful. Windrise is a very wide area, for one. So, if you don’t know exactly where to go, what are you supposed to do? Go around Windrise in widening concentric circles? This search could take forever. That’s why, in this guide, we are going to show you exactly where this red tent is.

Red Adventurer’s Tent near Windrise Location in Genshin Impact
The location of the Genshin Impact red adventurer’s tent near Windrise Fecund Hamper is not far from the previous Afterparty chest. The first thing you need to do is teleport over to the Windrise Statue of the Seven. From there, turn to the south, and you’ll see an enormous tree and a narrow bit of water. Hop across the water and look to the southwest. You’ll spot the red tent in the middle distance. Walk over to it, and the flower-adorned barrel will be immediately obvious. Open it in order to receive your rewards – 20k Mora and two Mystic Enhancement Ore. If you need pictures to help you locate this thing, here are some screenshots to help you along.
And there you go, that’s where you’ll find the location of the red adventurer’s tent near Windrise in Genshin Impact. This particular Fecund Hamper is very easy to spot, because it’s not in the tent. It’s just sitting out in the open. The main issue is figuring out where the tent itself is. Sure, the redness does stick out once you know where it is, but it’s small. You’d have a very hard time finding it on your own. Windrise is a large area, after all. In fact, almost every single Afterparty chest has a catch to it. Sure, you can do them out of order, but still. That’s why we’ve also written our The Afterparty Chest Locations Genshin Impact guide, in which we tell you where to find all of them.