Shiny Chandelure in Pokemon GO 2022
I know some Trainers are wondering whether there’s a shiny Chandelure in Pokemon GO in 2022. Considering how rare shiny Pokemon are, it’s hard to know unless you look the information up. Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be covering in this guide. Plus, we’ll be discussing how best to get your hands on a shiny Chandelure while we’re at it.

Can Chandelure be Shiny in Pokemon GO 2022
Much like Litwick, yes, Chandelure can absolutely be shiny in Pokemon GO in 2022 (and probably for as long as the game stays online). In fact, the shiny version of Chandelure arguably the easiest to tell apart from the regular version in Litwick’s whole evolution chain. What do I mean by that? I mean that the flames are the color of actual fire, rather than blueish-purple. You can’t miss it. Now, of course, the odds of running into a shiny Chandelure is not something that’s gonna happen to you very often. In fact, you’re probably going to have to catch yourself a shiny Litwick and then slowly work your way from there. You’ll need 25 Candies to get from Litwick to Lampert, and then 100 more Candies and a Unova Stone to complete the evolution chain.
So, yeah, that’s all there is to it – Chandelure can be shiny in Pokemon GO in 2022. Now, of course, the spawn rate of any shiny Pokemon is ridiculously low. That’s kinda the point, of course, so we’re not gonna rag on Niantic for it. However, it can get frustrating if you’re specifically gunning for that shiny. Luckily for you, there’s a Litwick Community Day coming on October 15th. You’ll have better odds of catching at least one during that event. Plus, if you evolve a Chandelure during the Community Day, it will know the Poltergeist Charged Attack. To the best of my knowledge, that move hasn’t been introduced in the game yet. So, it’s a great chance to obtain something truly unique.