Rebirth Iron Trials in Warzone Explained
The Rebirth Iron Trials is once again available to play in Call of Duty: Warzone, and you are no doubt wondering how it is going to work this time around. Iron Trials is a specific game mode in CoD Warzone, and it comes with its own rules that you need to be aware of if you want to come out on top and win. To help you achieve absolute victory, we have made this Rebirth Iron Trials in Warzone Explained guide, which is going to tell you everything you need to know about Irion Trials in CoD Warzone.

What Are Iron Trials Warzone
Iron Trials in CoD Warzone are a recurring game mode. It works by changing player health, damage, and loadout options. Specifically, the base health of all players is more than doubled, and the regeneration timer has been increased, along with decreasing the amount healed by it. But the biggest change comes in the form of no more free Loadout Drops. Instead, players will need to purchase gear from Buy Stations. Unfortunately, the Buy Station prices have likewise been increased. But it isn’t all doom and gloom, as the amount of Cash you retain on death has also seen a sizable bonus – from 20% to 30%. This will allow you to get back into the fight at a much quicker pace.
Other big changes include – only ATVs as vehicles, no more Melee Finisher, players starting the match armed with only a Top Break Pistol and Sawtooth, and items and cash being much rarer. All in all, the Iron Trials present a much harder game mode in which you will need to be a lot more careful with how you play. Of course, it is also that much more rewarding when you do manage to overcome these increased odds and score a win.