Apex Legends Unable to Connect to EA Servers
Are you unable to connect to EA Servers while trying to log in to Apex Legends? The popular class-based battle royale boasts millions of fans across the world. Hundreds of thousands of players are playing the game at any given time. And while the online experience is mostly fine, sometimes, games as big as Apex are bound to suffer some issues. If you are stuck on the loading screen and can’t start the game because of the “Unable to Connect to EA Servers” message, here’s what we know about this issue.

Apex Legends Unable to Connect to EA Servers Explained
First thing first, you should know that this is a widespread issue and it has most likely nothing to do with you. To put it simply, there are problems on the server side, and that’s why you can’t connect to the servers. However, you can always perform a few troubleshooting steps, to make sure that it has nothing to do with you.
The first thing you need to do is to check if your Internet connection is working properly. Try online multiplayer in other games and see if you have any issues there. Power cycling your modem or router is another thing you should perform as a part of this troubleshooting. Turn off your modem/router and unplug them from the grid. Leave it for around five minutes, and then turn it back on. If available, always use an Ethernet cable instead of a WiFi network.
If you game on PC, make sure that Apex Legends is whitelisted in your Antivirus and Firewall apps, because they may block the game from connecting to the EA servers. Check all third-party apps that are running in the background and turn off any unnecessary that may create issues for Apex Legends.
That’s about all you can do on your side. But, as we’ve already mentioned, the problem is probably related to the EA servers, and not with you. There’s probably an outage currently, and we will have to wait for the developers to fix the server issues. With that said, that’s all you need to know about the “Unable to Connect to EA Servers” issue in Apex Legends.