Lost Ark Punika Powerpass for Free
The free Lost Ark Punika Powerpass is an item that can allow you to quickly level up a character, so that you can fully enjoy everything the new class, the Arcanist. Or you can just use it to level up a character that you have just to do it, it doesn’t have to be an Arcanist. Either way, we’re going to show you how to unlock the Punika Powerpass and how to use it.

How to Unlock Free Punika Powerpass in Lost Ark
To unlock the Lost Ark Punika Powerpass for free, the first step is to complete all of the Adventure Quests on Punika. Those are the quests marked with a purple exclamation mark. During these, you collect stamps and, over time, become a citizen. After you complete the “Honorary Punikan” quest, go and talk to Nia in the village to get the quest called “Berver’s Friend.” Once you finish that, you’ll get the Powerpass.
Keep in mind that you will have to complete the quest during the event in order to receive the Pass. On the other hand, if you’ve already done the quest before the event, you’ll get the Punika Powerpass via your in-game mail automatically. The only catch is that you’ll have to check the mail of every single character you have, because it seems that it can sometimes go straight to the inbox of your first character.
How to Use Lost Ark Punika Powerpass
To use your free Punika Powerpass in Lost Ark, you need to go to the Select Trixion Pass section of the menu with the character you want to use the Pass on and then click on the Punika Pass Event Ticket part of the menu. Afterwards, be sure to click on the Use Pass button at the bottom of the screen, and you should be good to go. You can see what I’m talking about in the screenshot below (via PotatoeTakesGotBan on the Lost Ark forum). One thing that we do have to mention at this point is that you have to use the Punika Powerpass by September 28th, since it’s an even Powerpass and expires on that date. That should be more than enough time, though.