Get Military Airdrop THB-17U Dying Light 2, Reach the Rooftop in Horseshoe
During your Dying Light 2 playthrough, you will come across many collectibles. One of the most important resources that you will be able to get in DL2 is Military Tech. It is used to upgrade your Nightrunner’s Tools and you can find it in Military Airdrops. However, as is the case with many of these locations – such as Military Airdrop THB-17U, getting to them is by no means simple. We’ll show you how you can get your hands on this MA in our Get Military Airdrop THB-17U Dying Light 2, Reach the Rooftop in Horseshoe guide.

How to Get Military Airdrop THB-17U in Dying Light 2
Odds are that you will probably spot this Military Airdrop early on in the game. It is on a building close to Jack & Joe’s Bandit Camp. Now, while it may appear that you can go and get it straight away, you actually first need to do “The Raid” main story mission first. This is because this mission results in the Bandit Camp being taken over and this section now being available to the player for exploration.
If that is the case, go to the building. On the right side of the building, you will be able to scale it and go up. You now have two possible ways to do this. You can either go the longer way around, carefully jumping and swinging on your way to the top. We’ve marked this route in the screenshots below. Or, you can jump from the air vents over to the air conditioning unit and save yourself a lot of time. However, to be able to do this, you will need to have the Dart Parkour Skill. This gives you a short speed and jump boost, so you can reach that high. In any case, once you reach the top of the building, the Military Airdrop THB-17U will be there.