Old Rod, Good Rod, Super Rod in Pokemon BDSP
The fishing rod location for the Old Rod, Good Rod and Super Rod in Pokemon BDSP is not just one static place. Scattered across the map, these rods allow you to fish for encounters with water Pokemon. The better the rod, the better the class of water Pokemon you will catch. For example, the Old Rod is only going to get you a few Magikarp, while the Super Rod can reel in Gyrados. Read on as we discuss the fishing rod locations in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Where to find Old Rod in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
The Old Rod will appear pretty early into the game. You can get it from outside Jubilife City. Go through the exit to the west and enter the checkpoint to Route 218. Inside, there will be a character in orange fishing gear. If you talk to him, he will gift you the Old Rod.
How to Get Good Rod in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Hearthome City is where you will find the second rod. Travel to Route 209 through the eastern exit. You will see several piers going into the water, and you need to look for another fisherman NPC. He will gift you the Good Rod. This is a marked improvement and will allow you to catch more than poor old Magikarp.
How to Get Super Rod in Pokemon BDSP
The final rod is a post-game item, meaning you need to complete the whole thing to get your hands on it. Once you have beat the Elite Four and come back into the game, go to the Fight Area. Outside the north tunnel in the Northeast of the map, you will see another Fisherman. He will give you the Super Rod, allowing you to catch some serious water Pokemon.