Kricketot Pokemon BDSP - How to Get Kricketot, Evolution into Kricketune
Kricketot is one of the Sinnoh Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl which you can get and evolve into Kricketune. Of course, there are a few ways that you can make catching Kricketot a bit easier; namely, there’s one location where it tends to spawn more often than in others. After that, it’s just a matter of leveling it up until it becomes a Kricketune. We’ll cover both of those points in our Kricketot Pokemon BDSP – How to Get Kricketot, Evolution into Kricketune guide.

Where to Catch Kricketot in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
To catch Kricketot in Pokemon Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl or BDSP, you need to look in the grass on Route 202 in the morning or at night. That means that the time on your Switch needs to be anywhere between 8 PM to 10 AM. That’s a really wide window of opportunity. So, at any time in between those two points, go into a grassy area on Route 202 and keep running around until a Kricketot spawns. It has a 10% chance of appearing in this area, which is as high as it gets in Pokemon BDSP. Once you do manage to make it spawn, catching it really isn’t that big of a problem, since the adorable bug is kind of a pushover. A regular ole Pokeball should be more than enough.
Kricketot Evolution Level into Kricketune in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The level Kricketot needs to reach in order to evolve into Kricketune in Pokemon BDSP or Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl is ten. That’s all you need in order to get a Kricketune – catch a Kricketot and get it up to level ten. It doesn’t require any special item or anything like that. It’s as simple as can be.
So, that about wraps it up. If there’s something else that you need help with in Pokemon BDSP, we’ve got a ton of other guides that you can check out. Among other articles, we’ve written stuff like Where to Find Dusk Stones, How to Get Bidoof, and How to Register and Use Key Items.