How to Change Outfits - Trainer Customization - Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Trainer customization in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is about knowing how to change outfits. This adds an extra, unique dimension to your Pokemon hunting. To do it, you do have to hit certain milestones in the game. Luckily, it only takes around 10 hours of playtime. Read on as we discuss where to buy clothes and change outfits in Pokemon BDSP.

How to Change Clothes -Trainer Customizations – Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
When you defeat Gardenia, the second gym leader in Eterna City, you gain access to Veilstone. This city is where to buy clothes in Pokemon BDSP. Several preset outfits are available in the Metronome Style Shop in the town. You can also use it to change into previously purchased clothing or DLC outfits.
So far, there are very few styles you can change into. Everyday style is one option. It has a more male and feminine outfit, one with jeans and a dark hat, the other with a pink skirt. These outfits have a winter variation which is named platinum style. It is only available as a limited time DLC, so you should try to get it as soon as possible. A winter style and cyber style outfit are also available.
Many of the other outfits in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl centre on different jackets. One of the best is the Pikachu style jacket, which is a hoodie with Pikachus stripes and silhouette on. A similar jacket is available for Eevee. A Gengar jacket and leather jacket can also be worn on your character.
It is unknown if there will be more trainer customization options in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl soon, though it is very likely. Previous versions have allowed greater scope for changing your avatar. There is no reason Pokemon BDSP should not follow suit. If you need more help, you can read our in-depth guide on character customization in Pokemon BDSP here.