How to Get to Sandgem Town - Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Figuring out how to get to Sandgem Town in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl is one of the first real problems you might encounter in the game. It’s a little tricky, because you can’t go down the road in a straight-forward fashion; you have to go around and find a new path for yourself. So, let’s explain how to get to Sandgem Town in Pokemon BDSP.

How to Get to Sandgem Town in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
To get to Sandgem Town in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, play through the game’s main mission until you get to the point where your mom gives you the Running Shoes and explains how they work. All that is pretty simple. Once that’s done, step outside of your house and walk the path leading up. Soon enough, you’ll leave the edges of Twinleaf Town and find yourself on Route 201. Walk past the rows of pine trees, and you’ll spot a fork in the road with a sign that says “201.”
Once you arrive at the fork in the road, head to the right, through the… bushes? Tall grass? Heads of lettuce? I don’t know, just go to the right and keep going right until you come across a field of the same plants growing towards the top of the screen. To get the Sandgem Town in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, head up and through the field, all the way until you hit the wall of trees. Then, go right and you’ll find yourself back on Route 201. Keep going right and boom, you’re in Sandgem Town.
The first time you get there, Lucas will meet you at the entrance to the town and take you to meet Rowan. He will let you name your starter Pokemon and generally explain how the game works. If you’ve played any Pokemon game before, you’ll be familiar with all of that stuff.