COD Vanguard Blueprint Bug - Can't Use Blueprints - Ultimate Edition Content Missing
In our COD Vanguard Blueprint Bug – Can’t Use Blueprints – Ultimate Edition Content Missing guide, we’re going to be covering a few problems that share the same DNA. We’ll try to explain why the blueprint bug is happening in the new Call of Duty, aka why you can’t use the blueprints you’ve paid to get access to, and why your Ultimate Edition content seems to not be there. The brief answer is – it’s another messy launch from Actiblizz. The longer answer, well… let’s dive in.

COD Vanguard Can’t Use Blueprints Bug
The COD Vanguard can’t use blueprints bug has been hitting a lot of players, as we’ve already said. The way it’s supposed to work is, you reach level 4 to unlock custom classes, then you go into the multiplayer and tab over to “Weapons.” You then go to “Loadouts” and pick a custom class. Then, you pick a weapon you have a blueprint for, then pick “Armory,” and it’s all pretty self-explanatory from there. However, that system doesn’t seem to work yet, even for players that have purchased the pricey Ultimate Edition. They were supposed to get several blueprints right off the bat, but this bug is preventing access to these items. If this error has befallen you, make sure to let Activision support know.
COD Vanguard Ultimate Edition Content Missing
The Ultimate Edition content missing in COD Vanguard is directly connected to the blueprint bug, at least to a degree. First off, the good news. The content from the battle pass that comes with the Ultimate Edition is not actually missing; it’s just not out yet. That stuff is supposed to appear in the game in December, so you can breathe a sigh of relief when it comes to that matter. However, if you don’t have access to the blueprints, then that circles us back to the section above. If you don’t have access to the blueprints you were supposed to get, make sure to contact Activision support. I’m sure this bug will be ironed out soon, but even so, log a complaint just in case.
Can’t use pro issue rifle able from blueprints
I purchased the Ultimate version upon release, never buying another one for sure . Things don’t work as they should, Raven has control of what I play . Plunder rotation sucks. I did not by Vanguard, but I still have to play Vanguard plunder . I’m forced to play parts of the game I don’t like if I want to play. I got a battle pass gun blueprint , can’t find it anywhere to use it. So much needs to be fixed , but they don’t seem to care.
I can use any gun that says it’s a vanguard gun but anything from mw or black ops it won’t let me use this needs fixed now I put enough money into buying this stuff to play and now I can’t use it nah I don’t think so if this continues I want my money back and this will be the last cod I ever purchase
Yes me aswell can’t find the wolfsgarten after unlocking it in tier battelpass ..
Cant use the wolfsgarten battle pass say it’s free for clans I’m in a clan and passed the mark I see the blue print but not in my load out. Why ?
i bought a weapon in warzone n when i try n use it it comes out as a pistol. i bought the new mp40 ruin skin
On vanguard i cannot switch any of the guns i had set up as a loadout.. i am stuck with the same loadouts for over a month and this is only on multi player..
Im on ps4 qnd this is so annoying that i can only use different blueprints on zombies but not multi player..
This happened b4 the krampus update and is still a problem for me..
I go to my loadout to switch the gun to something other and i automatically get set back to the main screen or waiting lobby.. when is this going to get fixed ? ? this is so bothersome its not funny anymore..
I did the uninstall but that did nothing..
Anyone who has come across the bug where you load up a Zombies game. Pick the “SnowStorm” Blueprint, But you dont get ANY weapons to fight the horde with? Until you select another loadout where you dont have that blueprint selected.???? Maybe Cover that.
And also. We should make a petition to let Actiblizz know how sad their effort was in this game EVEN if it hurts the so called developers. If they are proud of their job that only means they needs to be fired because this game is not something you should be proud of. I and plenty other people could make something better in less time. Altho the campaign was decent just Wayyyyyyyyyy too many cutscenes.
Cannot access my blueprints please fix the bug.
It shows I have blueprints for weapons in cod vanguard but it won’t let me access them.. I have deleted and reinstalled the game and it’s still not working
Same here and thats what Activision support told me to do!