How to Get Tomatoes and Carrots - Animal Crossing New Horizons
The latest update to Animal Crossing New Horizons has been a big one. Besides things such as a new café shop, donation box, and Gyroid Fragments, the ACNH update 2.0 has also added cooking as well. Of course, to be able to cook, you need to have cooking ingredients. These include wheat, and other crops and vegetables, which can then be refined into other materials like flour and sugar. As is the case in the real world, tomatoes and carrots are likewise one of the most important (and tastiest) cooking ingredients in ACNH, too. If you want to get these delicious vegetables into your dishes, our How to Get Tomatoes and Carrots – Animal Crossing New Horizons guide is here to provide an in-depth explanation of what you need to do.

How to Get Carrots and Tomatoes ACNH
You can get carrots and tomatoes in Animal Crossing New Horizons the same way as you would any other crop or vegetable. To begin with, you will need to find Leif. Once you have located Leif, go and talk with him. Select the “I’m here to shop!” dialogue option. This will open the shopping screen, where you can select which starts and seeds you want to buy. You can buy just one, or in bulk of five. One costs 280 Bells, and five of them 1,400 Bells.
How to Grow Carrots and Tomatoes ACNH
Once you have bought some carrot and tomato starts, the next thing you will need to do is to plant them. Find a good plot of land where you can easily return to, since you will need to check up on your plants each day. Dig a hole and then put your start or seed in it. Now all that you need to do is to come back once a day to water your plants. After several days, they will be ready to harvest.