Shadow Ops, Ember, Sledgehammer - Fortnite NPC Locations
The Fortnite NPC Shadow Ops, Ember, Sledgehammer locations are places where you can find these NPCs and talk to them to star their punchcard challenges. All three locations are on completely different sides of the map, in places that generally one might not always think to check. It’s pretty tricky. However, you want to get those challenges and their rewards; there’s a lot of XP on the table. So, in our Shadow Ops, Ember, Sledgehammer – Fortnite NPC Locations guide, we’ll show you where to find them all.

Fortnite Shadow Ops Location
The location of the Fortnite Shadow Ops NPC is in the south of Lazy Lake, near the very edge of the town. You’ll have to check that general area because, as most NPCs, Shadow Ops has a patrol route and doesn’t always stay in just one location. However, when you get close enough to her, a speech bubble will appear both on your minimap and in the main game screen. Just keep in mind that there might be other players trying to do the same as you. Once you find the NPC, talk to her to begin her punchcard challenges.

Fortnite Ember NPC Location
The location of the Fortnite Ember NPC is on the hill called Scenic Spot. It’s north of Corny Crops, not far from the bridge east of Pleasant Park. As you approach the area, you’ll get a speech bubble icon on the screen (and your minimap). Just follow that until you find Ember. Talk to her to start her punchcard quests, and beware other players trying to do the same. The fun part about Ember’s quests is that they’re all connected to fire in some capacity, up to the point that one of them requires you to set another player ablaze with a firefly jar.

Fortnite Sledgehammer Location
The location of the Fortnite Sledgehammer NPC is northeast of Holly Hedges, in the general vicinity of the crash site. Once again, when you get close enough to the NPC, you’ll get the little speech bubble icon that you can follow straight to the Sledgehammer’s exact location. Do be careful, since there’s basically no cover to be found anywhere, and some enterprising enemy players might be camping and sniping the place. Talk to Sledgehammer to start that series of punchcard challenges, all of which seem to revolve around Cube Monsters in some capacity. All I can say is good luck and have fun with that.