Far Cry 6 A Rising Tide Code
A particular Treasure Hunt in Far Cry 6 will have you look for boats named after five legends to get the right number combination. This is part of the “A Rising Tide” treasure hunt, where you will be tasked with unlocking the village stash room. To do so, you will need to figure out the precise number combination according to the names and numbers of the boats in this village. However, this is easier said than done, since the boats are scattered in some very hard to reach places. If you are interested in getting your hands on the unique weapon within, our Far Cry 6 A Rising Tide Code guide is here to help you get the right combination.

Far Cry 6 Look For Boats Named After Five Legends – A Rising Tide Treasure Hunt
Inside this house, you will see a locked room and several buttons under boat planks named after five legends. Leave the house. In front of the front door, you will see the first boat – “El Tigre Del Mar” and the number 1. Go to the dock to the right. Climb the house and zipline to the house with the green boat there. This is boat #2 (despite what it says on it) – “Papi Chulo”. At the end of the village, there is green house with a blue boat on its roof. Climb it and you will see that it is “El Lucky”, the #3 boat. On the opposite end of the village, there is a blue house. It also has a boat on its roof. Climb it and you will see boat #4: “Clarita”. Now, return to the dock next to the starting house.
Instead of proceeding to the right where the house with the zipline is, stare into the water. You will see another boat there. Dive in and move to the side of the “Roja Victoria” to learn its number. You will see this sign > 3. Don’t be confused, this means that it is #5. Be careful when diving in the water to look at it, since there can be sharks around. Now all that’s left is to return to the house and input the correct combination. This is: #1 “Tigre Del Mar”, #2 “Papi Chulo”, #3 “El Lucky”, #4 “Clarita”, and #5 “Roja Victoria”. The door to the stash will now open, so get inside and loot the chest. Your reward for completing this will be the unique Camo Quinceanera rifle.