Kena Bridge of Spirits Pre-Order Bonus & Digital Deluxe Edition - How to Claim
If you’re wondering how to claim the Kena Bridge of Spirits pre-order bonus & digital deluxe edition items, you probably won’t be the only one. Kena is one of those games that doesn’t give you your special items right from the get-go, but rather wants you to work for it a bit. Not that it matters much either way, considering that they’re only cosmetic items that change nothing aside from appearances. Still, if you’re wondering where to find your bonus items in Kena, we’ll help you with this guide. Let’s go.

How to Claim Pre-Order & Digital Deluxe Items – Kena Bridge of Spirits
To claim your pre-order and digital deluxe edition bonus items in Kena: Bridge of Spirits, you’ll have to play through the game. You’ll get there in about the first thirty minutes, give or take, assuming that you don’t get too distracted. It’s really, really early on is what I’m saying. Essentially, you have to play through the main story until you reach the first village and unlock the hat cart / hat shop. As the name implies, the cart is a vendor that sells cosmetics, so that’s where your special items are going to be. The only catch is that, once in the shop menu, you’ll have to switch from the “Purchase Hats” to the “Equip Hats” tab. Then, simply equip all the stuff, and you’re good to go.

Now, if you don’t know what these extra items are, let me get you up to speed real quick. If you’ve pre-ordered the base game, you’ll get two extra hats for the little Rots; specifically, a cake hat and a party hat. If you’ve gotten the digital deluxe edition, you’ll also get the golden Rot skin and a special staff for Kena. You can claim the Kena Bridge of Spirits pre-order bonus and digital deluxe edition items from the same place, of course. As for the digital album you get from the deluxe edition, that’s not an in-game item, so you’ll have to get it separately. We’re just covering the cosmetics here, since you can’t get them right of the bat, which always causes people to wonder where their stuff is.