Nassau Animus Fragments Locations Guide
We marked all Animus Fragments on the map bellow to help you locate all collectibles in Nassau.We also included screenshots guides and walkthroughs for those harder to get items, just in case you were having trouble finding them based on location alone.
Other collectibles in Nassau are also marked on the map and if you can click on them they will tkae you to a guide dedicated to them (if not, you should be able to find them based on location alone).
Notes: Reachable from fortress’s rooftop. In order to climb to fortress go to its Northwestern part. From a tree that hangs over a cliff, make your way to the northern side of fortress’ outer wall. When you reach the platform with a palm tree growing out of a wall, go to its northern end. There are wooden beams you can use to climb up on the fortress. From the rooftop above this fragment location, carefully jump toward the platforms underneath. Fragment is on a wooden beam that comes out of fortress’s outer wall.
Notes: You must enter the fortress to reach this fragment (like several other collectibles in Nassau).
Before you reach the top, look to your right. Fragment should be there.
How to enter Nassau fortress?
Reachable from fortress’s rooftop. In order to climb to fortress go to its Northwestern part. From a tree that hangs over a cliff, make your way to the northern side of fortress’ outer wall. When you reach the platform with a palm tree growing out of a wall, go to its northern end. There are wooden beams you can use to climb up on the fortress.Before you reach the top, look to your right. Fragment should be there.