Stone Fragment Location - Tales of Arise
Tales of Arise Stone Fragment location is the place where you can find and farm this upgrade material. This is necessary if you want to make one of your starting weapons stronger, which is definitely a good idea, especially in the early stages. Luckily, you can get and farm Stone Fragments fairly early on. We’ll explain how it all works in our Stone Fragment Location – Tales of Arise guide.

Tales of Arise Stone Fragment Location
The location where you can find Stone Fragment in Tales of Arise is right after you exit Fagan Ruins and find yourself in Iglia Wastes. This is, by the way, the point in the game where you unlock fast travel in Tales of Arise. From the fast travel point, turn to the southeast and head straight down the path that has crumbling pillars on either side. On the left, you’ll run into a stone Golem. You can ignore it, sure, but if you’re on the hunt for Stone Fragments, you absolutely should fight the monster. It’s a relatively easy enemy and doesn’t take too long to beat.

After you emerge victorious, you’ll either get a Stone Fragment or, sometimes, a Strange Core. You’ll increase your chance to get the Stone Fragment if you break its weak point. Either way, if you want to farm Stone Fragments, just open the map and travel back to the Iglia Wastes fast travel point. This will respawn the Golem, and thus the Tales of Arise Stone Fragment location, too. Keep wailing on the poor sod until you have enough Fragments. By enough, I mean two. That’s all you’ll need to upgrade Shionne’s Basic Rifle, plus a Membrane Wing and Astral Crystal Grain.
That’s not to say that you might not need the fragments for some other stuff, but I don’t know if that’s the case. If it is, by all means, let us know in the comments. As it stands, all we know is that you need two.