Give Pizza to Ayaka - Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Give Pizza to Ayaka is a quest step that you might come across, and it requires you to make a pizza for Kamisato Ayaka. Now, this seems fairly straightforward, and it is, but there are a few potential stumbling blocks. For one, you need to have the Genshin Impact mushroom pizza recipe before you can make it. Once you do, you still have to figure out how to make the pizza in Genshin Impact before you gift it to Kamisato. In our Give Pizza to Ayaka – Genshin Impact guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know.

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give pizza to ayaka genshin impact
Give Pizza to Ayaka – Genshin Impact

How to Make Pizza in Genshin Impact – Give Pizza to Kamisato Ayaka Quest

To make pizza in Genshin Impact and give it to Ayaka in the quest, you first need to have the recipe for mushroom pizza. Scroll through your recipes to see whether you have it or not. If you don’t, we’ll show you where to find it below. Once you have the recipe, you need to gather the necessary ingredients: 4x Mushroom, 3x Flour, 2x Cabbage and 1x Cheese. If you don’t have Flour or Cheese, remember that you can process ingredients at any cooking station. Cheese requires 3x Milk and Flour 1x Wheat per unit. When you have everything you need, head to Kamisato’s location, since there’s a cooking pot right next to her. Make the pizza and give it to her. That’s all there is to it.

how to make pizza genshin impact give pizza to ayaka kamisato quest
Pizza recipe

Genshin Impact Mushroom Pizza Recipe Location

To find the location of the Genshin Impact mushroom pizza recipe and complete the Give Pizza to Ayaka quest, head to the north of Stormterror’s Lair. We’ll show you the exact location in the images below. Once you get to the north of the big building, you’ll see a collapsed bridge heading downward. Below this bridge is a hilichurl camp, and on one of the raised platforms is a Precious Chest. Clear the area of hilichurls to drop the shield around the chest, then open it to get the mushroom pizza recipe in Genshin Impact. Now all that’s left to do is gather the ingredients and cook the damn thing for Ayaka.

where to find genshin impact mushroom pizza recipe location ayaka quest
Mushroom pizza recipe location
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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. F

    I’ve already opened the chest and i didn’t get any mushroom pizza recipe

    1. T

      Me neither! I open the chest and NO MUSHROOM PIZZA RECIPE >:(