Unlock Formation Estate Genshin Impact Domain

The Genshin Impact Formation Estate is a new domain that you can unlock, but the problem is that you need fire to do so. Why is this an issue? Because it’s constantly raining in the area. So, you first need to find a way to stop the “deluge” first. As it turns out, that is hidden behind a specific world quest chain that you have to complete first. We’ll explain what you need to do in our Unlock Formation Estate Genshin Impact Domain guide.

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unlock formation estate genshin impact domain
Unlock Formation Estate Genshin Impact Domain

How to Unlock Genshin Impact Formation Estate Domain

To unlock the Genshin Impact Formation Estate domain, you have to play through the entirety of the Orobashi’s Legacy quest line in order to stop the rain. The quest begins in the Fort Fujitou area, in the location shown below. There, you need to talk to the NPC called Kaji, who will tell you what you need to do next. The first step of the quest is fairly easy: just go to the place the quest marker takes you and approach the large lantern called Narukami Pillar. It’s basically just behind Kaji. Then, find the circular area on the map to the northeast and go there. Clear out the enemies around the blue dome, then adjust each of the floating pillars to point at each other, with the last one pointing at the dome. A short cutscene will play after you do it correctly. Drop into the area where the dome was, kill the samurai, collect the Rock Pillar Pearl and Warding Stone and tale them back to Narukami Pillar.

how to unlock genshin impact formation estate domain
Kaji, Pillar & Dome locations

The next location you need to visit is in Serpent’s Head, as marked below. After you defeat the samurai and “talk” to the next pillar. Then, head west to the southern corner of the triangular lake to find the next blue dome. Again, position the pillars so that they make the dome disappear, then drop down onto the stone formation to pick up the Rock Pillar Pearl. Then, drop into the hole in the ground to the left of the pillar and collect the Warding Stone from the small waterfall. Go back to the pillar and give it the items to get one step closer to unlock the Genshin Impact Formation Estate domain.

genshin impact unlock domain formation estate
Second pillar & water formation location

The third and final pillar is in Jakotsu Mine. Find the blue dome and turn the pillars to dispel it. Search the area to find the Warding Stone and the Pearl and place them both at the pillar. Then, head back and report to Kaji if you want to.

formation estate how to unlock genshin impact
Third pillar location

More importantly, you can now head to the Formation Estate location on the map. In the vicinity, you’ll find a rock cube blocked by a ring of red runes. So, of course, you need to find four braziers placed around the rock and light them to drop the shield. Interact with the cube to finally unlock the Formation Estate domain in Genshin Impact.

domain formation estate genshin impact how to unlock
Formation Estate location
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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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