Sakura Blooms Locations Genshin Impact - Ayaka Ascension Material
Sakura Blooms are a new type of resource in Genshin Impact needed as an Ayaka Ascension Material and they are found in various locations across Inazuma. Of course, to even be able to get this plant at all, you will first need to be able to go there. If you are unsure about everything required to travel to Inazuma, we have a great How To Get To Inazuma guide that will tell you everything you need to know about this process. Likewise, in this Sakura Blooms Locations Genshin Impact – Ayaka Ascension Material guide, we will go over the locations where these can be found, as well as what they can be used for in the game.

Where Can You Find Sakura Blooms in Genshin Impact
Sakura Blooms are only found on Inazuma. You will be able to tell them apart from other resources almost instantly due to how distinct they look. They appear as a bunch of pink-colored lights, swarming together in one place. To be able to get them, you will first have to interact with them with an Electro-based attack. So, when you have found one, approach it, select an Electro character, and attack the lights. You will then be able to pick up the Sakura Bloom. Sakura Blooms are one of the materials needed for the Ascension of Kamisato Ayaka. Besides this, they can also be used to craft a Sakura Tempura, and you will also be able to plant them in your Serenitea Pot.
Though, we have to note that, before you will be able to do this, you will need to purchase the A Path of Value: Luxuriant Glebe item from the Realm Depot. It costs 300 Realm Currency. Through it, you will then be able to plant seeds not just for Sakura Blooms, but also for Violetgrass, Silk Flower, and others. Thank you for reading our Sakura Blooms Locations Genshin Impact – Ayaka Ascension Material guide. Now that you know how to harvest Sakura Blooms and what they can be used for, you can see all of their locations on this map.