Find Key for Underwater Locked Chest in Dublin Wealth AC Valhalla Tungsten Ingots
The underwater locked wealth chest in Dublin in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla requires you to find a key in order to get the tungsten ingots that lie within. Whether you’re a completionist and want to clean out the map, or you’re after the resources, you’ll have to figure out where to find the key to unlock the underwater chest. Fortunately, it’s relatively close to the wealth, but pretty well-hidden. If you’re having trouble figuring it all out, then our Find Key for Underwater Locked Chest in Dublin Wealth AC Valhalla Tungsten Ingots guide is the right place to be.

Where to Find Key to Unlock Underwater Locked Chest in Dublin AC Valhalla
To find the key to unlock the underwater locked chest in Dublin in AC Valhalla and get the tungsten ingots, you need to go to the northeastern tip of the lake in which you’ve found the chest. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s the lake south of the Kilchrist fast travel point. Anyways, at the northeastern point of the water, you’ll find a small house with a waterwheel on one side. There’s also a hole in the wall next to the wheel. If stand on one of the lines next to said hole and use Odin’s Vision to see where the lock is. Shoot it off and then go into the house. Climb to the upper “floor” of the hut, and you’ll find the key on a large crate.
So, that’s where you find the key for the locked underwater wealth chest in Dublin in AC Valhalla. Now, all you need to do is dive back into the lake and unlock the chest. From it, you’ll get a tungsten ingot, as well as some titanium. At least, that’s what we got from it. If you need further help with the Wrath of the Druids DLC, we’ve got a number of other guides for you to check out. For example, we’ve written Offering 50 Delicacies – Skald’s Rest Altar, Black Stout Legendary Animal, and many others.
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