Nier Replicant Blue Marlin
Blue Marlin in Nier Replicant is one of many fish that you can catch in the game, and it’s a central part of one of the steps in the Fishmonger’s Gambit quest. The blue marlin is up there with some of the harder fish to get, so you will need some practice. That is, once you figure out where to find blue marlin, and what the best bait is. If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then our Nier Replicant Blue Marlin guide is the right place for you.

How to Catch Blue Marlin in Nier Replicant
To catch blue marlin in Nier Replicant, the first order of business is to get yourself some lure or sardines. First we tried to catch Blue Marline with lure and it was successful, then we tried with sardines and got Blue Marlin but also Sharks and Dunkles as well. Thus, lure might be a better choice for this fish.
Once you have a few lure (and I do recommend you get a couple, just in case), go to the Seafront pier, aka the place where the old man that gives you the Fishmonger quests is standing. Cast your line and wait for a blue marlin to bite. The catch here is that you have to pull it in after the first bobber pull. You might need a few tries, but you’ll catch a blue marlin in Nier Replicant soon enough. When you have as many as you need, go back to the old man to complete this step, and start the next one.
If you need visual assistance for the quest, check out our video below. Those of you that are stuck on anything else in the game, we’ve got a bunch of other guides you can check out. Among others, we’ve written Who Do I Love More Than Anyone Answer, Scattered Cargo Locations, and The Missing Girl Quest.
The guide and video description say to use a Sardine, but in the video he just uses a Lure. In my game, I wasted like 10 Sardines with no bites, got it with the lure twice immediately. I think the guide might be wrong?