Talk to Popola or Check on Yonah in Nier Replicant
Talk to Popola or Check on Yonah in Nier Replicant is a choice that you will have to make at one point in the game. The game will mark both NPCs for you, and it’s your responsibility to choose which one you want to do first. But what should you do? Go to visit Popola, or see your sick sister Yonah> Will it have any long-reaching consequences later on? Well, keep reading and let’s find out.

Check on Yonah or Talk to Popola – Nier Replicant Quests
Whether you check on Yonah or talk to Popola in Nier Replicant only changes the order in which you do the quests and what you unlock first. If you opt to go to Yonah first, that kicks off some quests in Seaport and unlock access to fishing. See, a part of her medicine requires a specific type of fish. If, on the other hand, you choose to talk to Popola first, she will send you to the Junk Heap to do some quests. At the end, you’ll unlock a vendor and the opportunity to upgrade your weapons.
One thing that you have to know is that this choice does not impact your progress in the long run. It doesn’t change anything in the story either, as far as we know. Again, all that changes is the order in which you do the quests and unlock fishing / weapon upgrades. When you finish one of the quest chains, the game will send you straight to the one you’ve skipped. So, they’re even basically back to back.
That’s all you need to know about the Nier Replicant Talk to Popola or Check on Yonah choice. Ultimately, the choice is absolutely up to you; it’s not even like one is more difficult than the other. Just pick whichever one tugs at your heartstrings the most: your ailing sister that’s barely hanging on, or the pretty lady in the library.