Nier Replicant Chicken Egg Hidden in Shadows Location - Lost Eggs Quest
The Lost Eggs quest in Nier Replicant is one of the trickier missions, and it requires you to find Nier chicken eggs hidden in the shadows. Yes, it is very cryptic and doesn’t give you much to go on. Moreover, there’s one NPC in the middle of nowhere where you learn that you should check out the fountain by the library, but also gives you some false info. So, where do you find the chicken eggs in the darkness? How do you start the Lost Eggs quest in the first place? We’ll be covering all that in our Nier Chicken Eggs Hidden in Shadows Location – Lost Eggs Quest guide.

How to Start Lost Eggs Quest in Nier Replicant – Chicken Eggs Hidden in the Shadows
To start the Nier Replicant Lost Eggs quest and start looking for the chicken eggs in shadows, you first need to complete the Lost Shrine part of the story. This will give you the quest to talk to the villagers. One of them, a young man standing across from the village fountain, gives you the Lost Eggs quest. You can see his location below. All he tells you is this: “You’re looking for chicken eggs? I saw one hidden in the shadows once!” That’s no help at all. You can find a chicken near the exit towards the Southern Plains, but that’s now where the eggs are. Fortunately, there’s another NPC that is of a little more help. Kinda.

Check Out the Fountain by the Library
To find the Nier Replicant Lost Eggs hint to the location of the chicken eggs hidden in the shadows, you need to find an NPC that tells you to check the fountain by the library. This rando can be found in the northwest of the map. You can see the exact location below. Now, the guy will tell you that chickens “like to lay their eggs in high places.” After that, your character will make a note that you should check out the fountain by the library. The location is technically correct, but the whole “high places” thing is actually wrong, according to our experience. Allow me to explain.

Where to Find Nier Replicant Chicken Eggs Hidden in Shadows
To find the chicken eggs hidden in the shadows for the Nier Replicant Lost Eggs quest, you indeed have to look around the pillars around the fountain by the library. If you don’t know where that is, the screeshots below will show you everything. Now, what we did was spend a few minutes trying to get to the top of the pillars, because of the slightly faulty hint we’ve talked about above. Instead, at some point, we got an orange arrow leading us towards absolutely nothing at all at the base of one of the pillars. Head to that arrow and press Examine to find the chicken eggs location.
If you’re still having trouble with this quest feel free to see our video walkthrough on youtube.
Thank you I could find those eggs!