MHR Big Fin Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise Big Fin is a relatively rare crafting material, which is a necessary component in several armor sets. These include the Barroth, Makluva, Mizutsune, and other sets. If you’re out to get any of these, you’re gonna need to know where to find Big Fins in MHR. As it turns out, they can only be acquired from one source. In our MHR Big Fin Monster Hunter Rise guide, we’ll show you how to get this crafting resource.

Where to Find Monster Hunter Rise Big Fin
To find Big Fins in MHR, you have to go into the Sandy Plains. Just going on a regular expedition is perfectly fine. Once in the Sandy Plains, you want to go for either the number 9 or the number 10, aka the northwest and northeast corner of the map. What you’re looking for are Delex. They are… how do I put this… dolphin-like creatures with alligator jaws that “swim” through the sand. The only reason I say swim is because they’re too fish-like to say “burrowing.” You can see their spawn locations below.

As far as we know, Delex are the only source of Big Fins in Monster Hunter Rise. They’re not overly difficult to farm, but they are slippery fellows, especially since they tend to dive in and out of the sand. If they’re giving you too much trouble, consider using a Sonic Bomb to make them head up to the surface. Incidentally, if you’re wondering why the Big Fins are so important, they’re a necessary component of several armor sets, including the Barroth, Makluva, Mizutsune, Somnacanth, and Uroktor set.
There you have it, that’s how you get Big Fin in Monster Hunter Rise, and where to find MHR Delex. For more help with the game, check out some of our other MH Rise guides. We’ve written articles like How to Hide Helmet, Warm Pelt Locations – Sub Camp 2 Materials, How to Upgrade Kinsect, and many more.