Guild Wars 2 Icebrood Saga: Champions Release Roadmap Revealed
“Nights are growing longer, and we can hear Jormag’s whispers in every chill wind. It’s nearly time for The Icebrood Saga’s climactic arc to shake Tyria to its core.” That’s how the lovely people behind Guild Wars 2 open their announcement of the roadmap of content from November 2020 to May 2021. During that time, the story of the Icebrood Saga will ramp up to its conclusion, taking you on who knows what kind of wild ride.

According to the press release, The Icebrood Saga: Champions will be a “multichapter Living World finale featuring new story, repeatable gameplay content, rewards, achievements, and masteries. In the weeks between releases, each chapter will continue to evolve with new content and ways to play.” The team is playing their cards close to their chest, presumably so as not to ruin any upcoming surprises. However, they did give us a seven-month roadmap to whet your collective appetites. Let’s dive into the details, shall we?
The first chapter of the “Living World finale,” Truce, will launch on November 17th. That’s the only exact date that we have at the time of writing. Then, in December, you can look forward to Wintersday, after which the studio is going on holiday. January 2021 will see the release of Chapter 2: Power, and in February, the game will host a celebration of the Lunar New Year. After that, in March, we’ll see the third chapter, Balance, and in April, the Super Adventure Festival. Lastly, in May, you can look forward to Chapter 4: Judgement.

So, there you have it. That’s seven months of exciting content laid out. I like how nicely spaced out it is: one new chapter, then one in-game event. Naturally, there’s always a chance that something gets moved around in these trying times, but at least you have some idea of what’s coming. For more info, you can read the official announcement.