Genshin Impact Marvelous Merchandise Event Has Started
Marvelous Merchandise is a new limited time event in Genshin Impact. During this even, a mysterous new vendor named Liben will appear in different places all over the world, and offer you something called a Box o’ Marvels in exchange for everyday items. You’ll have to find him first, though, and you’ll only be allowed to claim one box per day. Read on, and we’ll explain how the whole Genshin Impact Marvelous Merchandise event works.

The event started on October 26th, and it’s going to be available until November 2nd. First off, make sure your adventure rank is at least 12. After that, open up the events tab and you’ll get a hint about Liben’s location. Head there and look for him. Once you’ve found him, he’ll ask you to hand over a handful of mundane items – a mineral, a cooking ingredient, or something equally simple. If you do, he’ll give you the chance to open one of his Boxes o’ Marvels.
There are seven of them, and they all look like slimes that have been squished into a cube. Each of them can only be opened once, and there’s no telling what’s inside each of them, but we presume the rewards are better than what you put in. Although you can earn only one per day, you don’t have to open them daily – the redeem tokens carry over. Make sure you open them before the event ends, though, because they won’t be available afterwards.
A new Battle Pass mission has been added as well, and you can find it in the This BP Period tab. If you plan on opening up all of the boxes, it’s a quick and easy way to earn some more BEP and maybe bump up your Battle Pass level.