Genshin Impact Statue of the Seven in Mondstadt
Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt in Genshin Impact are locations scattered across the map, and upgrading and finding them is a huge part of the Adventurer’s Handbook tasks. Seems simple, but this presents several problems to the player. For example, where do I find the Statue of the Seven in Mondstadt, and how do I upgrade them? How do I upgrade the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt to Level 4? How do I visit the Statue in Dawn Winery? Well, we’ll be answering all of those questions in our Genshin Impact Statue of the Seven in Mondstadt – Adventurer’s Handbook guide.

Upgrade the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt
To upgrade the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt in Genshin Impact and complete your Adventurer’s Handbook tasks, you first have to visit any of the statues scattered around the map. See, there are no Statues of the Seven in the actual town of Mondstadt. That’s somewhat confusing, I know, but there you have it. In the map below, we’ll show you three of the locations that you can visit that are closest to Mondstadt. They’re all marked as blue orbs on the map.

So, what you have to do when you get to a statue, you need to interact with it, then select Worship Statue. In the next screen, you have to offer Anemoculus in order to upgrade the Statue of the Seven. The game will tell you in the upper right corner how many you need to reach the next level. Let’s get into a little more detail about that, shall we?
Upgrade the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt to Lv. 4
To upgrade the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt to Level 4 in Genshin Impact, you have to offer enough Anemoculus to them. We performed this at the statue in Windrise, but you can do it at any of them. When you upgrade one Statue of the Seven, that upgrades all of them. Anyways, you need one Anemoculus to get the statues up to Level 2, two to reach Level 3, and four for Level 4. So, make sure you have a total of seven Anemoculus.
Now, if you’re wondering where to find Anemoculus, they are all over the place. Those are the blue orbs floating everywhere around the map and appear as stars on the mini-map. There’s one right across from the Windrise statue, just in the open. Another is up in the oak tree next to the statue. For more info, check out our Anemoculus Locations Map guide.
Once you have what you need, go to a statue, interact with it, and select Worship. Offer all the Anemoculus, and boom, the Statues will upgrade. This will award you with more Max Stamina, which is incredibly useful. Mind you, if you’ve upgraded the Statues before starting on your Adventurer’s Handbook, it’ll still count, so don’t worry about that.
Visit the Statue of the Seven in Dawn Winery
To visit the Statue of the Seven in Dawn Winery in Genshin Impact, you have to figure out where it is. This is pretty difficult, considering that the only way to uncover this section of the map is to find the Dawn Winery statue. That’s quite the conundrum, right? Well, we’ve got you covered. Basically, you need to go southwest of the town of Mondstadt, and west of Springvale, more or less in a straight line. It’s kinda difficult to explain in words, so take a gander at the map below to see exactly where the Statue of the Seven in Dawn Winery is.

And there you have it, that’s what you need to know about upgrading the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt in Genshin Impact to complete your Adventurer’s Handbook quests. If you need more helo with the game, allow me to redirect you to some of our other guides. We’ve written Treasure Lost, Treasure Found and Wheat Location – Pigeon, Duck & Child Quest.