Guild Wars 2 New Dungeon Announced for Mid-September
The good people behind Guild Wars 2 have announced a new dungeon, Sunqua Peak, that’s coming in mid-September. Specifically, all you fans should prepare yourselves for Tuesday, September 15th, which is when the new content is going to drop. It will appear in Cantha, and is a gorgeous, if ominous mix of floating masonry, dense flora, and magical fauna, with apparently some lava sections for good measure.

Yes, Guild Wars 2 fans, a new Fractal of the Mists will soon be all yours to explore and battle through. Details are scant at the time of writing, which is probably for the best. The less you know going in, the more you’ll enjoy discovering for yourself. What we do now is that the new dungeon, Sunqua Peak, will be in Cantha. As the press release puts it: “Located in Cantha, suspended in a storm-lit sky, with beautiful stonework and flowering trees, the elemental spirits await assistance from only the most skilled explorers ready to investigate a new Fractal of the Mists.”
Alongside with the announcement, the developers have revealed a teaser that shows off some of the elements of Sunqua Peak. You’ll get to see some of the creatures you’ll be battling, up to and including a good look at the dungeon’s emotionally tortured boss. And, let’s not forget, there will be a new set of weekly Fractal achievements accompanying the dungeon. Completing them will earn you new rewards, such as the Abyssal Fractal weapon skin set. For those of you that are extra daring, the developers are including a more difficult challenge mode.
So, yeah, there you have it. Make sure to mark your calendars for when the hunt for the new echo begins. In the meantime, you can take a gander at the trailer for the Sunqua Peak below to get a feel for what awaits you. It looks fascinating, dangerous and beautiful all at once, and hints at some great tragedy in the background.