Gas Up a Vehicle in Catty Corner Location in Fortnite
Fortnite Gas up a Vehicle in Catty Corner is one of the weekly challenges in Season 3 Week 9. To complete it, you have to find a vehicle in Catty Corner, or drive one over, and pour gas into it. It’s relatively simple, but still, you might experience some trouble with it. So, in our Gas Up a Vehicle in Catty Corner Location in Fortnite guide, we’re going to show you exactly what you need to do.

How to Gas Up Vehicle in Catty Corner in Fortnite?
To gas up a vehicle in Catty Corner in Fortnite, there are two things you can do. The first one is the most obvious: head straight for the gas station. It’s in the south of Catty Corner, it’s in a large, open space. Seems ideal. However, you have to keep in mind that everybody and their mother will be congregating at the same place, trying to gas up their own cars. It’s going to be an absolute mess, and you have to keep that in mind. Maybe wait for a bit for the smoke to clear.
The second avenue you might want to attempt is finding a gas can somewhere in the vicinity. For example, there’s a chest under the roof of the shack right across from the gas station. Or, if you’re lucky, you might find a gas can as a floor spawn. It’s not exactly the most reliable of methods, but at the very least, you can find weapons and clear up the gas station for yourself.
Full disclosure: we haven’t been able to test out whether using a gas can in Catty Corner counts towards the Gas Up a Vehicle weekly challenge. The only method we know for sure works is using the gas station. So, please, let us know in the comments whether or not it works, and we’ll update the guide. Just keep it civil.