Avengers Beta Start Time - Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers
Beta start time of Marvel’s Avengers has been something that players have been wondering about, especially since a lot of people have been getting the Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers error message. Presumably, people are wondering why they can’t access the Avengers beta, assuming that it’s already out for them. Well, we’re here to clear up the confusion. In our Avengers Beta Start Time – Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers guide, we’re going to show you exactly when the beta is going to begin in your region.

When is Marvel’s Avengers Beta Start Time
The start time of the Marvel’s Avengers beta is 9PM local time, and the same goes for the ending time. So, when the clock strikes 9PM wherever you’re playing, that’s when the beta will start for you. Right now, only PlayStation 4 players have access to the content, from Friday, August 7th to Sunday, August 9th, and that’s only if you’ve pre-ordered the game. It’s already up for preloading, by the way, if you want to start playing asap.
From Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th, the PS4 beta goes into open access, meaning even those that haven’t pre-ordered it will be able to play. In the same time frame, the Xbox One and PC closed betas will be in progress. Pre-loading begins on August 13th. Lastly, from Friday, August 21st to Sunday, August 23rd, the Marvel’s Avengers beta will be in open access on all three platforms. You can start preloading it on August 20th.
Currently Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers Avengers Error Message
If you’re getting the Avengers “Currently Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers” error, that simply means that the beta hasn’t started in your area yet. You simply have to wait patiently for the rollout to reach your time zone. As we’ve said above, the Marvel’s Avengers beta begins at 9PM local time. So, it’s not one of those situations where the event happens everywhere at the same time.
During the Avengers beta, you’ll be able to experience a large chunk of the single player campaign, as well as the co-op War Zone and Drop Zone missions (no cross-play, unfortunately). Also, you’ll have access to the HARM challenge rooms. Lastly, you’ll get a taste of both the hero progression and world progression system, up to Hero Level 15 and Power Level 45.
How to Play Avengers Beta on PS4
To play the Avengers Beta on PS4, you have to have the game pre-ordered already. Then, you have to wait for the beta to start in your region. it bears repeating; all Avengers betas will start at 9PM local time. Now, the pre-ordering clause is only for the closed beta, happening at the time of writing. On August 14th and August 21st, you’ll be able to play the Marvel’s Avengers open beta, which will be available for everyone on the PS4.
Bs I paid for Bs
When can I play I’m in the USA
Paid for beta for what? Took away access why? We paid good money for the beta to work didn’t know you guys dictate when I should take a break to play…
Is the closed beta for PS4 users no longer available? I’ve tried making a squareenix account and did all the steps but it won’t let me plug in the code I received.
I’ve tried to play it august 27 11:49 and can’t play it
Is it ment to work now? I’m on ps4 and it’s August 25 but it’s still saying its unable to connect.
What about nae
Am still getting unable to connect
Why can’t I do it anymore it is August 24 is it over
So I don’t know how much of this is true because I downloaded the beta on ps4 and I’ve been playing it and I didn’t pre order it I was just checking to see why this message is popping up and this was no help thanks
We are based in UAE – when Beta will be available. Already for over one week cannot play
This is not fare I live in Middle East and the servers aren’t working why fix it please I paid so much money please I paid 80$ please
When is it opening in the middle east
Can you send me the hulk smashers please
Its after 9pm on th 21st and the beta is still unplayable
This is the stupidest thing i have heard. I can understand that it “isnt open to the public yet”, but to lock those that paid money to access the beta is retarded. Like many others commented, we use our own leisure time to play games. To be limited to a specific time (and 9 PM is late night) doesnt fit alot of peoples schedules. Now we all have to prepare and plan to ahead to make it work. If the beta isnt ready, say so, but dont open it for a few hours then close it up. Even other games that require maintenance post something in game to tell you when it will be open again.
The confusion is when the beta is open. When you log on, there should be a countdown timer, so people can plan accordingly. The screen that says “cannot connect to server” doesnt help me plan ahead to when i should log back on. You say 9pm local time, but we all live in different time zones, just make it easy and show me when i can come back on.
This beta shit is fuckin stupid to me “it’s only open at this time for these specific people” blah blah blah… fuck that open that shit up for everyone on any console and pc and keep it open! The more you hide it the more i think you made a trash game and are just trying to profit off of fans of the franchise… you spent time and money making the damn thing let people play it! Further Proof that often times smart people have zero common sense
I havent even played it yet, but now my interest in this game is going down. Since im free to play stuff now, ill find a game i can actually play.
I’m still getting the pop up ad and it’s the 18th
is the beta over yet? its not working for me
Wat een klucht, slechtste reclame ooit. Square Enix, gelukkig heb ik geen interesse. Jammer dat één van mijn gasten deze wel heeft. Anders bande in nu al alles wat ze ooit te koop zouden aanbieden. Amper uitleg en gebrekkige opstart …
What a farce, worst commercial ever. Square Enix, luckily I’m not interested. Too bad one of my guests does. Otherwise, they banned everything they would ever put up for sale. Hardly any explanation and poor start-up …
Bro it doesn’t work and I’m on ps4
Servers will be up on the 21st. Don’t know what time but, 21st of August.
i cant connect my account in the beta…
What time am I able to play in the uk please
Can anyone help and tell me when my son can play this game via the beta have been trying for days to get on it but keep getting a message unable to connect to server. Help going mad here
Unable to connect to Square Enix Servers.
Played yesterday no issue.
Friend is playing. He cannot invite.
I’m on ps4.
This is BS.
Same. I preordered at gamestop yesterday. Played and leveled Iron man up. Sat down this afternoon to find out that the beta is possibly over. That it was only from august 14th-16th. But that would be dumb as it was just released for consoles. Plus you said your friend wAs able to play. Maybe he hasnt turned it off since last night? Idk. All I know is that you have a baby skill tree consisting of 3 different categories of skills to level and only about 6-9 to level up in each. I played for just a few hours and got iron man leveled up basically minus some of his laser skills. I have to say that its underwhelming and hope they add more to the skills. I saw a tab that was lebeled primary so maybe there will be secondary skills or attributes to add toward the skills. I just hope theres more than that bc marvel alliance skill trees were much larger and in depth in comparison. But it is a beta so I can only pray they kept alot back, plus thor and cap werent playable in the drop missions. I would like to add that I did much enjoy the flying with iron man and thor (tutorial). They need to do better with the “beta access” and game content.
I’m having the same issue, I was just playing then the game glitched and now I’m getting unable to connect to servers
I just downloaded open beta, does anyone know when UAE/Middle East servers are going to work?
Friday 9:20PM New Zealand servers not working. Is the local time a lie and they actually mean UK time?
I haven’t pre-ordered the game, just downloaded the beta version through PS4. Can someone clarify when or how I can play this game please? That would be much helpful TIA
They have released no times for servers so we are just waiting it out
Betas are out here and I got it, just no server in Middle East I geuss
I downloaded the beta of the Marvel Avengers game but it shows up with “Cannot connect to Square Enix servers. Please try again later.” Why can’t I connect?
When can we be able to play?
I’m saying this on august 13th and I did pre order but it still isn’t working
The beta is out for my area and I still get the error. Why is that
No, it’s not. It’s weekends only.
JOE OR SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!! I preordered the game on August 4th got my betta code and downloaded the betta August 6th however during betta weekend i could not get into play whatever was available i kept being directed to “Account Linking” screen even after i confirmed my account it still would not let me into play why is that this lasted the whole betta weekend!!??? PLEASE HELP!!!!
The beta is now closed until release.
I’m still getting the please try again later pop up and it’s the 18th
Really bad start for Square Enix let’s hope it isn’t worse than STAR WARS Battlefront 2
Some people work weekends. Why not just make it an open demo from the start?
So, I bought the pre ordering thinking that I would get to play and try out the game before it was released, maybe even say a few things to the developers to help with the fine tuning process, but on the day I got to sit down and play the game it was taken down. You know part of the reason people like to play in betas it to try out the game and I pre ordered thinking I could only to find out that I can’t. So, what you are telling me is the square enix delegates when and where I can sit down and play a video game. This is a video game for entertainment during my leisure time. I pre ordered to try the beta at me leisure. This is a while array of bullsh*t.
I’m Getting Off Work thinking I’m going to play it & it won’t even let me This Sucks who ever made this Shiit
Then they should of said it ends, i dont see that, at least wouldnt end until it was close to release, not
I pre ordered the game for ps4 was able to play it for 20 minutes last night and now I keep getting the currently unable to connect to square Enix servers. Why is this?
Because it’s over. You have to wait until next Friday.
do I actually have to wait in order to play the beta again???
Y won’t it let me play the beta on Xbox and what time does it come out on Xbox for the ppl in the UK?
So, when are all the times I’ll be able to play the beta? I need to do 3 of the H.A.R.M. challenges by a certain time, and I’m not sure of when that certain time is. Could you help me?
what are you talking about its only for the weekends of this month? Not everyone has those days off. Where are you getting this info. I feel its a very bad marketing decision on them if thats how they have done this.
Hey, dude, don’t shoot the messenger.
The servers will be up in 3 hours
Ok but where’s the message coming from?
Still isnt working is there a resson ?
I made an account last week and was playing up until yesterday when it stopped working. Still not working.
I’m in Ireland and it still does not work
It’s September and I still can’t play I have a ps4
Me too, paid money to check it out and no one even has an answer, bs!!
Avenger marvel server open August 18 2020
Unfair you pay for a pre-order and everyone on the net is playing but us… I played one time… Horrible marketing and I bet we don’t get anything for it, my PS4 even says it doesn’t come out for 14 more days…
I’m literally up at 3:am to okay the beta and it says try again later so I look it up on google and it says the beta starts a 9pm I got so mad now I gotta wait for so long this game sucks I only want it for the hulk smasher pickaxes
But what time zone
I paid money for this game and got to the map mission part, and I can’t connect to the servers now ?
, this is the last beta I EVER buy from them, and THE LAST pre order I ever make for a square enix game.
I will be demanding a refund if this beta doesn’t start working in time to earn my hulk gloves for fortnite.
I can promise you I’ll definitely demand a refund.
There aren’t any pickaxe in avengers?
The pickaxes are a reward from Fortnite once you complete certain mission requirements.
Actually there is. It’s for Fortnite so please be slow to speak(or type) in this situation and be quicker to read.
I was able to play on the 21st and now I keep getting the unable to connect sign and it’s the 24th
Still say it and it is the 29th of august.
I purchased the game yesterday.. the release date says the 3rd but I can’t play.. it’s still say I’m too early.. can someone help me plz??