Tengai Hat - Ghost of Tsushima Basket Hat Location
Tengai Hat is a helmet found in Ghost of Tsushima. There are many hats in the game, but some of them are quite unique. This basket hat, found later on in the game, is one of them. It is one of the rare vanity gear items that are found in the open world, instead of being tied to quests, armor sets or collectibles. In the guide below, we’ll show you where to find Ghost of Tsushima Tengai Hat.

Where to find Tengai basket hat?
The Tengai hat can be found during Act 3, in the northwestern part of the lake by Jogaku Temple. This lake is positioned just a bit south of the temple, an important settlement in Ghost of Tsushima’s third map – Kamiagata. Once you’re in this corner of the lake, go towards the forest, pass over a small grass patch, and you’ll spot two graves. There is a stick next to the western one. You’ll find the hat on top of this stick. Interact with it to get it in your inventory, so you can use it whenever you want. Tengai doesn’t have any dyes other than the default one.
The in-game description says: “True mastery begins where individual ego ends”. This sentence might sound confusing until you see the helmet – this straw basket hat hides the face of the wearer almost completely. Some may say it is the best helmet in Ghost of Tsushima, but there’s more than sixty of them. You can find them all in our helmets list.
Jogaku Temple is the only place this far north that has a gift altar, swordsmith, bowyer, armorer, merchant and a trapper. You’ll get to the Jogaku Temple during the first Kamiagata main quest, called Honor and Ash, in Act 3. There is a memorable fight that happens on the frozen lake, from where you progress toward the temple. After you deal with the Mongols that occupy the area, the previous residents will retake the temple.
If you’re wondering which armor goes best with Tengai, I’d say it’s definitely the Fundoshi. This armor is given to the player upon completing all 18 Hot Springs. Hiding the head, while showing the body? Sign me up!