Find Gnomes at Homely Hills in Fortnite Season 3 Weekly Challenge
Fortnite Season 3 weekly challenge Find Gnomes at Homely Hills requires you to find the locations of three gnomes in a specific section of the new map. Figuring out where to find the three gnomes is not too difficult, but seeing how everyone is looking for them now, you’ll want to swoop in and collect all of them as fast as possible to complete the challenge. Our Find Gnomes at Homely Hills in Fortnite Season 3 Weekly Challenge guide is going to help you do that.

Where to Find Homely Hills Gnomes in Fortnite Weekly Challenge Season 3?
To complete the Find Gnomes at Homely Hills in the Fortnite Season 3 weekly challenge, you have to find three gnomes. So, first thing’s first, head to Homely Hills. This is the large island in the northwest, at the intersection of quadrants C1, C2, D1, and D2. The first point of orientation is the yellow house in the northwest corner of quadrant D2. From the yellow house, head to the southeast, and towards the lonely boulder. The gnome will be right behind it.
From there, head west and over the hill full of yellow flowers. Turn slightly to the northwest, and keep going. Your second gnome is at the base of a very large tree that’s next to sections of fence. Consult the images below to see exactly which tree I mean. Lastly, head southwest, towards the brown house. In the backyard of the brown house, there’s a grill, and the gnome is right next to it. After you find the three lawn gnomes, the challenge is complete, so good luck with the rest of your match.
So, that’s it and that’s that. If you need more help with the new content in Fortnite Season 3, check out our other guides on the subject. We’ve written Use Whirlpool at Fortilla Location in Fortnite Week 1 Aquaman Challenge and New Weapons – Mythic Shockwave Launcher & Charge Shotgun.