Enemy Scorcher Farming Location in Division 2 - Firewall Specialization
Enemy Scorchers in The Division 2 are enemies with flamethrowers that you have to kill to complete the newly-added Firewall field research. The step where you have to kill ten Scorchers is not too difficult; the biggest potential problem is figuring out where to find enough of them. With that in mind, we’re going to show you where to farm enemy Scorchers for the Firewall Field Research in our Enemy Scorcher Farming Location in Division 2 – Firewall Specialization guide.

Where to Farm Enemy Scorchers for Firewall Field Research in The Division 2?
To farm enemy Scorchers for the Firewall Field Research in The Division 2, we find that the best place is the Roosevelt Island stronghold in the west of the map. We played it on Normal difficulty, and you have to go in solo. All you have to do is make it far enough to reach a No Respawn Zone right after a Body Incineration sign. You’ll find yourself in an arena where a number of enemies will attack you. One of them is going to be a Scorcher. Eventually, another Scorcher, called The Wildfire. Kill them both, and then let the other enemies kill you.
That’s why it’s important for you to play solo. You’re going to respawn just outside of the arena. So, you can immediately jump right in, kill the two Scorchers, die, and rinse and repeat until you grind out the ten kills you need. Then, feel free to just exit the stronghold if you don’t feel like completing it. Incidentally, in case you’re wondering, Scorcher enemies are basically just enemies that have flamethrowers. And, as far as we can tell, they are most common among the Outcast enemies.
Now, you definitely can find Scorchers outside of the Roosevelt Island stronghold. However, there’s no real guarantee when and where they’ll appear. At the time of writing, the stronghold is the most reliable way to farm the ten Scorchers you need for the Firewall Field Research in a matter of minutes.
Thanks again! I hope a few are elite as I need to farm 10 elite for level 5….
I feel your pain!
I can Not destroy the basilisk armor! I’ve watched vids, tried pistols, used the grenade launcher. NOTHING WORKS!!
Use Bakers Dozen rifle and dodge/roll when he comes close, then move abit away and from cover (so your missed shots return from Baker’s) carefully aim and shoot off his armour. Tried pistols etc, didnt work. Baker’s Dozen and dodge/roll then move off a small distance and shoot worked first time. Hope this helps.
I used the sweet dreams shotgun and was careful to only shoot his armor pieces
Use the oxider chem skill only, and it will kill him as his armor falls off. Do not shoot him or allow other skills to shoot him just use the oxidizer.
Good good keep it UP with the GAME
Just do Outcast activities, doing a Stronghold is just overkill
You don’t have to do the whole stronghold.