MHW Iceborne Celestial Wyverian Print - How to Get

Celestial Wyverian Print in Monster Hunter World Iceborne is an item that you can get. You can use the Iceborne Celestial Wyverian Print to trade for rare materials. However, players have been wondering how to obtain Celestial Wyverian Print in Iceborne, because the method is not exactly out in the open. In fact, the item is behind a minigame; a minigame that’s also a little bit annoying. With all that said, here’s our MHW Iceborne Celestial Wyverian Print – How to Get guide to help you on your adventures.

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MHW Iceborne Celestial Wyverian Print - How to Get
MHW Iceborne Celestial Wyverian Print – How to Get

How to Get Celestial Wyverian Print in Monster Hunter World Iceborne?

To get the Celestial Wyverian Print in Monster Hunter World Iceborne, you’ll have to play the Steamworks minigame. Sometimes, it might drop while you’re playing, and you’ll get your hands on the print without having to complete the whole game. However, you’re pretty much guaranteed a Celestial Wyverian Print if you do finish Steamworks, to say nothing of the other bonus items that you can earn this way. So, there’s always an incentive to play it to completion.

You can play the Steamworks minigame in Seliana. It’s between the doors to the Gathering Hub. We’ll briefly explain how to play it in a moment. As for the Celestial Wyverian Print, the item description reads: “A ticket with a handprint, used by the First Wyverians. Exchange it for very rare materials at the Melding Pot.” Just keep in mind that certain materials only unlock as you progress through the game, so you can save the print for later, if you want. Alternatively, you can always play Steamworks again. Which brings us to our next subject.

How to Play Steamworks Minigame – MHW Iceborne Celestial Wyverian Print

To play the Steamworks minigame in Monster Hunter World Iceborne, you have to guess the random button sequences. They’re always random, so you just have to guess. Complete the sequence correctly, and you’ll fill the huge gauge above significantly. If you only guess one or two correctly, it’ll only fill a little bit. The goal is to fill the gauge three times. Sometimes, the Palicos will help you, by the way.

Oh, and always keep an eye on the fuel gauge. If you run out of fuel, or wanna come back to the game later for any reason, you can do so freely. If you need more detailed instructions, or how to unlock the Clockwork Armor Set, check out or Steamworks Mini-Game – Clockwork Armor Set guide. Alternatively, head over to some of our other Iceborne guides, such as Frozen Speartuna Trophy Fishin’ – Freezer Ticket and Fey Wyvern Gem Locations – How to Get.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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  1. R

    You are not “pretty much guaranteed a Celestial Wyverian Print if you do finish Steamworks.” This is an outright lie. I, personally, have done steamworks (not due to this article, just on my own time) with over 20,000 fuel, and guess what? None. Not even one celestial wyverian print. Although some may simply claim “bad luck,” it is nearly impossible that something that was “pretty much guaranteed” pass me by.

  2. E

    It’s really useful for me, I wanted to meld Rathian mantle for the Namielle armor c:

  3. L

    Thats a bold faced lie. You are NOT “pretty much guaranteed a Celestial Wyverian Print” if you do finish Steamworks.