No Man's Sky Beyond Update Launch Trailer Released
A launch trailer for No Man’s Sky Beyond, a free update coming in mid-August, is now out. It’s brief, but sweet and beautiful. It shows off the Nexus, a new online component that’s basically a social hub for people to hang out and team up in. And let’s not forget: VR is coming to No Man’s Sky via the Beyond update.

Sean Murray & co. are still tirelessly working on making No Man’s Sky the game they originally promised it would be. In under a week, August 14th, to be exact, fans of the game will get to taste the fruits of Hello Games’ labor. According to the announcement on the game’s website, No Man’s Sky Beyond is a result of “12 months of work on what was originally going to be 3 large separate updates.” The launch trailer serves to highlight the “massively expanded online component,” but that’s not the only thing coming in the new content drop. There’s also VR.
When it comes to the online component, probably the most interesting is the admittedly unimaginatively named Nexus. This is going to be a social hub that all players can visit and hang out in. It’ll also allow you to meet up with friends, or join forces with complete strangers, and explore the Universe. And, let’s not kid ourselves, it’ll serve to show off your stuff to other players. As for the VR, well, that speaks for itself, right? No Man’s Sky is beautiful and exciting; who wouldn’t want to experience via VR headset, be it the PSVR or any other.
Hello Games is going to release more information about the free No Man’s Sky Beyond update as the launch date comes closer. So, keep your ear to the ground. This one seems like it’s gonna be fun. For all their failings, and there are many, kudos to Hello Games for sticking to their baby and its fans.