Mortal Kombat 11 Spawn DLC Details Revealed by Character's Creator
Todd McFarlane, the creator of Spawn, gave an interview ti IGN, in which he talked a bit about how NetherRealm Studios is handling his character in Mortal Kombat 11. Turns out, he’s pretty happy with how they’re treating the property. Listening to him talk, I’m really looking forward to seeing what they come up with.

If you have even a passing familiarity with Spawn as a character, you’ll know that he’s a perfect fit for Mortal Kombat. Much more so than in Soul Calibur. Spawn came about around the same time in the nineties as Mortal Kombat did, and, as a result, was just as over-the-top gory and too cool for his own good; to the point of being silly. So, yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing Spawn in MK11, especially because, according to the interview below, they’ve made sure to get the OK from the creator, Todd McFarlane, for everything.
McFarlane seems absolutely delighted to work with the people from NetherRealm. The only thing he’s adamant about is that they make Spawn cool for Mortal Kombat fans. He wants people that haven’t even heard of Spawn to love him and use him as a character. And, of course, to make him cool and crazy; which, let’s be honest, can mean only one thing in Mortal Kombat: buckets and buckets of gore. On top of all that, according to McFarlane, there’s a whole bunch of Spawn fans among the developers. Apparently, they’ve added some abilities to Spawn that even McFarlane forgot about. And, mind you, he created the darned thing.
So, yeah, if what mister McFarlane is saying is true, then Spawn is in good hands with NetherRealm Studios. We don’t know any further details about the character just now, thoug; not even the launch date or anything like that. I do look forward to seeing him in action in Mortal Kombat 11, though.