Fallout 76 Currently Free to Try Until Monday Next Week

If you want to play Fallout 76, for reasons that I can’t really fathom, you can do so for free until next Monday, June 17th. You’ll have access to Survival Mode, Adventure Mode, and even a “pre-beta sneak peak” at the newly-announced Nuclear Winter battle royale mode.

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Fallout 76 Currently Free to Try Until Monday Next Week
Fallout 76 Currently Free to Try Until Monday Next Week

Hey, kids! Have you been observing the disasterpiece that is Fallout 76 from a distance, wondering what it’s like, but not feeling like dropping money for it? Well, there’s still some time that you can do so. All you need is the Bethesda launcher on PC, or Xbox One Gold / PS Plus on consoles. The offer lasts until Monday, June 17th; until then, you can play Fallout 76 completely free. According to the announcement, you’ll be able to play “Adventure Mode, Survival Mode, and even a pre-beta sneak peek at the newly revealed Nuclear Winter.”

Of course, you’ll have to download the whole game when you select your platform, because, well, this free period includes the whole game. On the other hand, if you, for whatever reason, opt to buy the game at the end of the promotion, then all your saved progress will carry over. And, hey, you can be among the first to play the battle royale mode in Fallout 76! You know, that thing that pretty much nobody asked for.

Now, jokes aside, the Nuclear Winter mode sounds kinda cool; at least, on paper. And, according to people still playing Fallout 76, the game has gotten much better since its disastrous launch. Plus, with Bethesda announcing that they’ll be bringing NPCs and meaningful choices and the like in the future (you know, the things that makes an RPG an RPG), it might end up being worth it. Still, I don’t think Bethesda should get an applause for the bare minimum. No harm in giving it a go for free, though.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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