Division 2 Gatehouse Facility Biology Lab Secret Room Key Location
Biology Lab secret access code, or key, is an item you can find in Division 2 Gatehouse Facility mission. The Division 2 Biology Lab key unlocks the room of the same name. It’s not crucial for completing the mission, but the Gatehouse Facility Biology Lab houses some potentially valuable loot. So, you might want to take a peek inside after all. With that in mind, welcome to our Division 2 Gatehouse Facility Biology Lab Secret Room Key Location guide. Here, we’ll show you exactly where to find the Division 2 Biology Lab access code in Gatehouse Facility, as well as what loot we got from the room.

Where to Find Hidden Biology Lab Key in Division 2 Gatehouse Facility Mission?
To find the hidden key to the Biology lab in the Gatehouse Facility mission in The Division 2, you’ll have to search a specific duffel bag in the locker room. Interestingly enough, that is indeed the room you first come across when you enter the complex. So, from the door to the biology lab, go forward and head right into the corridor. I’m talking about the short vlue-lit corridor that leads to the entrance into Gatehouse Facility. At the end of the blue hallway, look to the upper left corner. You’ll spot a gray duffel bag sitting on a bench. Interact with it and loot the Biology Lab Access Code.
With the access code now in your possession, you can go back to the Biology Lab room and loot it. Interact with the keypad on the right of the door to unlock it. There are several chests and boxes to loot. Among other stuff, we found a Tactical Vector SBR 9mm Superior Sub Machine Gun, “Neptune” Superior Protection Gloves, and some Carbon Fiber. So, yeah, don’t just disregard the Biology Laboratory. There is a way to enter it, as we’ve just described, and it’s worth making a return trip to collect the rewards therein.
Gatehouse Facility is a new mission in Division 2, brought with the Tidal Basin update. It is a prerequisite for entering the new stronghold. So, since you’ll be paying the facility a visit no matter what, might as well pick its bones clean for loot. What else are you gonna do, just leave it lying there?
I found the duffle bag but I can’t loot it
I got to this area but after looting I wasn’t able to get that door open. I was able to do something on a computer but nothing that seemed worth anything .
Same thing happens to me too. I saw grey bag it was empty. There was no key!! What do i need to do???
I stumbled across it. I left the white house from the front entrance then when out the main gates and came across some enemies. I ran towards this small structure and noticed it was an elevator. That led me to this lab. It’s a safe area.
It was not there when I tried to loot it after I went back to the facility to try it. So i guess you only get one attempt at finding it.
I was thinking the same thing