Division 2 Sweet Dreams Exotic Shotgun - How to Get
Sweet Dreams is an exotic weapon in The Division 2. It’s a shotgun that comes with three set talents: Sweet Dreams, Sandman and Evasive. A number of people have reported getting it after one one particular mission, albeit an especially difficult one. This guide is going to show you how to get Division 2 Sweet Dreams exotic shotgun, what it looks like, its stats and talents.

How to get Sweet Dreams exotic weapon?
Several people have reported getting the Sweet Dreams exotic after completing the challenge difficulty version of the Roosevelt Island stronghold. If you’ve bought the game ahead of release, you can reskin it with the Lullaby skin from the preorder bonus.
The stats will depend on when you get it, but it comes with three set talents: Sweet Dreams, Sandman and Evasive. Sweet Dreams grants you 35% bonus armor and applies the Sandman debuff when you score a melee hit on an enemy after swapping to the shotgun. If you then kill the enemy while they have the debuff, you’ll get the bonus armor again. The debuff itself prevents enemies from using armor kits and receiving healing from any source. Finally, Evasive lets you reload 1% of your magazine every time you dodge. It sounds like the perfect short range weapon for PvP, if we’re being honest.
Thanks to Reddit user u/ShinobiV for the picture.
Roosevelt Island stronghold tips
If you’re having trouble with the Roosevelt Island stronghold mission, there are a few things you should keep in mind. The enemies won’t come in infinite waves, so your best bet would be to destroy the tanks one by one, to ease the pressure. Remember to use the minigun in the first few phases, but avoid it in the last one as you can easily be surrounded. Make sure you go in with decent crowd control skills prepared.