Division 2 World Tier 5 Unlock & Tidal Basin
World tiers are like leveling brackets in The Division 2. Each one is unlocked by fulfilling a set of requirements, which include getting to a certain level, completing various tasks and more. World tier 5 is the highest there is, and a lot of players are wondering how to unlock it. It is tied to the Tidal Basin area, which isn’t available at the moment, which makes the tier unavailable as well. In this guide, we’re going to tell you everything we know about Division 2 world tier 5 unlock & Tidal Basin.

How to unlock world tier 5?
As we’ve already mentioned, world tier 5 is unavailable at the moment. Only the first four tiers are present in the game at launch, and the fifth one will be added in an update at some point. We don’t know when, but it’s safe to assume it’s going to happen in the first month. WT5 should appear alongside the raid and access to the Tidal Basin.
How to change world tier?
In the meantime, keep in mind that progressing through the tiers isn’t set in stone. You can do it when you want to, which is important, since you cannot go down a tier. The requirements for moving up a tier are different each time, and they involve completing particular quests and strongholds.
Since there’s no firm release date for World Tier 5, we’re going to keep an eye on things, and we’re going to let you know as soon as we hear more. In the meantime, you could check out some of the other guides we’ve written about The Division 2: we’ve covered exotic weapons, ivory key farming, collectible artworks, daily bounties, masks and hunter bosses, and a plethora of other topics that seemed like they deserved more attention than the game gave them.